Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well I'm still getting the hang of this whole blog thing. For example, I didn't know how to end the last post, that's why it was slightly awkward. But awkward is ok with me. And now its 2:13 a.m. and I can't sleep, a golden opportunity to reflect on the day and add another post. My day began by refusing to get out of bed for twenty minutes after my alarm went off. My mind kept telling my body that we have work to do, but my body so kindly ignored those instructions until this inter-body argument became slightly ridiculous and I had to get out of bed. Then a waffle, the Bible, some words of wisdom from the great Oswald Chambers and class. Nothing to exciting. After dinner and volleyball practice (11 p.m.) I finally decided that it would probably be a good idea to do some of that homework that is due tomorrow and settled in at Chester's with the lovely Abbey and Keri. There was a table full of theatre kids next to us, I hope that's not offensive, but I don't know how else to describe them/what to call them. I decided that they are really cool. They talk in really cool accents and even sing their words instead of just say them, like in a musical. Maybe one day I could be friends with them and sit at their cool table and be a part of their witty conversation. That would be pretty awesome. When I was done with all my work I packed up and left my corner table to go outside into the recently accumulated fog. As soon as I walked outside I felt like I was in a movie and people were going to start emerging from the unknown behind the fog...or something like that. I really like fog, it makes me feel all mysterious and stuff inside. Then I saw this kid wipeout on his skateboard. I pretended like I didn't see, even though we were the only two people roaming the grounds of Gordon College at the time. I then entered the really smelly lobby of my building and walked up all the stairs to my room to see my light left on and everything cleared from my bed with my covers pulled back begging me to crawl in...I pretty much have the best roommate in the world. So ya, there's post number 2, with yet another awkward ending.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

first post?

So... I never thought that I would be the kind of person to start a blog. But here I am, writing the first post for my blog even though I should probably be reading for chemistry or folding my freshly dried clothes that are still sitting nice and warm in my bright pink laundry basket. Eh, this is more exciting. My brilliant idea for starting a blog came to me one morning while doing laundry. I woke up at 7 a.m. on a Tuesday (the only day during the week that I don't have classes) to study and wash my clothes. I decided to bring my Bible with me so I could have my quiet time while waiting. After I finished reading I realized that the washing machine had been on the spin cycle for almost 15 minutes... even though it said only 2 minutes left. It then continued on with its spin cycle for 10 more minutes leaving my thoughts to wonder, hence the great idea of starting a blog and the title of my blog. I hope you weren't expecting something more deep and profound with a lot of meaning behind it like the spin cycle describing my current life and being in between a time of soapy wetness and just a little damp, ready to move into the next stage of life - the drying machine. Ya, I guess that would have been cool, but oh well. The spin cycle is just the birth place of the blog idea. the end?