Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Vacation is a marvelous thing. I have no papers or exams to worry about, don't have to walk outside in the bitter cold to go to dinner or class, and no alarms are set to wake me up at 7 o clock in the morning. Instead, I have already spent an entire day, and two sleepy nights, in my pajamas, walked around in my sister's high heels just for fun, baked way too many Christmas cookies, watched all my favorite Christmas movies, and cuddled with my favorite two sisters in the entire world. And to think, I don't have to go back to school for 29 more days...life is good, very good.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Just a few thoughts on finals...

  1.  there are not enough hours in a day/a week to possibly get everything that needs to be done done. to do so would require superpowers, or a remote that controls time, neither of which i possess. 
  2.  personal hygiene, sense of fashion, and my peaceful mood go down the drain...the drain of the worst week of your life...but don't fret, they do return.
  3.  there are so many more important things that you could be doing besides sleeping, like studying...and more studying. 
  4.  a magic trick to keep in mind - changing the font to Arial and making all the periods size 16 will give you about a half page more of writing than you had before.
  5. social life? um, no. there is a mutual understanding that it is ok if you don't talk to your friends for a week.
  6. the time that i just spent writing this could have been spent on a 7 page paper I have yet to start, but i'm on 'break' and this is far more exciting. 
  7. what keeps me going - finals will be over after next wednesday, i'll be home in less than a week, and Christmas is in 14 days :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

license plates.

I get excited very easily, especially about little things. While living in Massachusetts I tend to get exciting when I see things that remind me of home - people sporting U of M or MSU sweatshirts, Detroit Tigers baseball caps and Michigan license plates. These things would blend right in when seen by any normal New England resident, but my Midwestern heart skips a beat even when I hear people talking about the MSU basketball game last night or discussing layovers in Detroit. Just the mention of anything relating to home can bring a smile to my face. Whenever I am driving down the 128, walking along Grapevine Road or any other time I am able to see cars I can be caught gawking at the license plates of the cars flying by. This may seem odd, but I am just in search of a Michigan license plate, and when find one I let everyone around me know. I have become very accustom to the blue and red MA plates so the classy blue and white MI plates stick out a lot. Upon my arrival back to the mitten state last week for Thanksgiving break, I became filled with excitement while driving from the airport back to my house. This is because I kept seeing those bewitching MI plates and I couldn't help but to smile every time one drove by. I was so captivated and thrilled to be surrounded by all this Michigan wonderfulness that I had to express my excitement to my family. They were not as enthusiastic about all the license plates and just thought that I was a little outlandish and maybe was on an airplane for too long.