Wednesday, December 1, 2010

license plates.

I get excited very easily, especially about little things. While living in Massachusetts I tend to get exciting when I see things that remind me of home - people sporting U of M or MSU sweatshirts, Detroit Tigers baseball caps and Michigan license plates. These things would blend right in when seen by any normal New England resident, but my Midwestern heart skips a beat even when I hear people talking about the MSU basketball game last night or discussing layovers in Detroit. Just the mention of anything relating to home can bring a smile to my face. Whenever I am driving down the 128, walking along Grapevine Road or any other time I am able to see cars I can be caught gawking at the license plates of the cars flying by. This may seem odd, but I am just in search of a Michigan license plate, and when find one I let everyone around me know. I have become very accustom to the blue and red MA plates so the classy blue and white MI plates stick out a lot. Upon my arrival back to the mitten state last week for Thanksgiving break, I became filled with excitement while driving from the airport back to my house. This is because I kept seeing those bewitching MI plates and I couldn't help but to smile every time one drove by. I was so captivated and thrilled to be surrounded by all this Michigan wonderfulness that I had to express my excitement to my family. They were not as enthusiastic about all the license plates and just thought that I was a little outlandish and maybe was on an airplane for too long.

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